Idaho Forest Products Commission

Arbor Day Student Photo Contest

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2024 Arbor Day Photo Contest

To celebrate Arbor Day, the Idaho Forest Products Commission sponsors a Photo Contest each year. The competition is open to all Idaho youth in 5th-12th grades. For the 2024 contest, young photographers addressed the theme, Healthy Tree, Healthy Me. In addition to their photo, contestants provided a statement sharing their vision of the photo’s portrayal of the theme.

Deadline: April 8th, 2024





Photo caption:

nature's fragrance

Photographer's Statement:

Nature’s beautiful gift of sweet pink flowers, not quite blooming but you can tell that they will soon grow into perfect, elegant, blossoms fresh for spring. The buds being a rose pink that you can smell the candied aroma of the trees beautiful gifts of the season. The photography captures the intention of our living world growing, changing, and forming into a healthier ecosystem.