Idaho Forest Products Commission

Arbor Day Student Photo Contest

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2025 Arbor Day Photo Contest

To celebrate Arbor Day, the Idaho Forest Products Commission sponsors a Photo Contest each year. The competition is open to all Idaho youth in 5th-12th grades. For the 2024 contest, young photographers addressed the theme, Seasons of Change: The Dynamics of Idaho’s Forests. In addition to their photo, contestants provided a statement sharing their vision of the photo’s portrayal of the theme.

Deadline: April 7th, 2025





Photo caption:

"Trees are like the veins of our planet, carrying the life blood of the air, water and wildlife around it." - Julia Hill

Photographer's Statement:

There were many different things that inspired me to create this photo. First of all, the day this photo was taken was the first warm day after the cold three months of snow storms. All of the snow had finally melted, and the colors in the plants were bright and vibrant. This tree particularly drew my attention. Its bark was colorful, and had a cool texture and pattern to it. I felt like spring was truly here, and I could express myself fully, so I decided I was going to take photos of what I saw. I loved this photo the most, and loved the depth of field, and details it showed, so I chose to enter it into this contest.