Idaho Forest Products Commission

Arbor Day Student Photo Contest

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2024 Arbor Day Photo Contest

To celebrate Arbor Day, the Idaho Forest Products Commission sponsors a Photo Contest each year. The competition is open to all Idaho youth in 5th-12th grades. For the 2024 contest, young photographers addressed the theme, Healthy Tree, Healthy Me. In addition to their photo, contestants provided a statement sharing their vision of the photo’s portrayal of the theme.

Deadline: April 8th, 2024





Photo caption:

spring time

Photographer's Statement:

When I think of spring, I think of the warmth starting to come out. I think of all the pollen coming out and the flowers booming. Spring means a lot more to me than it did accouple years ago. Growing up in Arizona we didn’t really have much of a spring. We would go from winter straight to summer then straight to winter. So, when being able to take these photos, it really did make me appreciate living in Idaho.